About CEA
Our history
- Giving What We Can, a community of effective givers, is founded in Oxford, UK.
- 80,000 Hours is founded to help people lead high-impact careers.
- The Centre for Effective Altruism is founded as an umbrella organization for Giving What We Can and 80,000 Hours. In the process, we come up with the term "effective altruism".

- Giving What We Can incubates The Life You Can Save, which later spins off as a separate organization.
- 80,000 Hours incubates Animal Charity Evaluators, which later spins off as a separate organization.

- We host Good Done Right, an academic conference on effective altruism.
- We work with the Future of Humanity Institute to form the Global Priorities Project (which merged back into CEA in 2016).

- We trial EA Ventures to fund experimental projects (the project was closed in 2016, and later replaced with EA Grants).
- We begin to run the EA Global conference series.
- The 80,000 Hours team participates in the Y Combinator startup accelerator.
- We help to promote Doing Good Better, the first widely-read book on effective altruism.

- CEA helps local organizers run the first EA Global X community conferences.
- Giving What We Can merges into CEA.
- CEA's Special Projects division is formed; it includes our Philanthropic Advising and Fundamentals Research teams.
- The Global Priorities Project is discontinued and merged into the Future of Humanity Institute and our Fundamentals Research team.

- We participate in the Y Combinator startup accelerator and launch Effective Altruism Funds.
- We establish a new permanent office in Berkeley, CA (in addition to our office in Oxford, UK).
- The Special Projects division decides to focus on content production and merges with the rest of CEA.
- We launch Effective Altruism Grants and our Individual Outreach team. (The team will later be merged into the Groups, Online, and Events teams.)

- We award our first round of Community Building Grants and second round of Effective Altruism Grants.
- We launch a new version of the Effective Altruism Forum.
- We formalize the Community Health team as one of our main projects, and publish our stance on diversity and inclusion.
- We incubate the Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research, providing key operational support to help the foundation begin its work.

- We grant $9.8 million (our highest annual total so far) to a variety of causes through Effective Altruism Funds.
- We provide nearly $900,000 in Community Building Grants to assist individuals and groups working on local EA community building.
- We scale up our work on helping community members to navigate media engagement, and publish a revised version of our advice for responding to journalists.
- We begin to collect much more feedback from the EA community, and to share updates on our projects more frequently to keep the community up-to-date.
Read more in our 2019 progress report and our detailed appendix to that report.

- We expand our support for groups, funding full-time organizers in 20 locations and supporting student-run discussion-based courses that reached hundreds of students.
- EA Forum pageviews nearly double, with many more high-quality posts than in 2019.
- We begin to run online events, including the first-ever EA Student Summit.
- We close EA Grants, and spin off Giving What We Can and EA Funds under independent leadership (while continuing to provide operational support).
- We develop a new mission: building a community of students and professionals acting on EA principles, by creating and sustaining high-quality discussion spaces.
Read more in our 2020 annual review.
- We set up EA Virtual Programs to introduce people to EA ideas online
- Many of our key metrics grow very significantly - for instance, time on site on the EA Forum doubles.
- We release an online platform for finding local groups and events

Many of our programs scaled up very rapidly:
- Events: The number of connections made at our events grew by around 5x, which should help many more people find a way to contribute to important problems.
- Online: Engagement on the EA Forum grew by around 2.9x, helping the spread of important new ideas and richness of discussion.
- Groups: 208 organizers went through our University Groups Accelerator Program (10x growth for a new program starting from a low base), receiving 8 weeks of mentorship designed to accelerate EA journeys for organizers and their groups.
Read more in our annual review